
January 2023

Contents Page

  1. Declaration of review date
  2. Handbook declaration
  3. Forest School ethos
  4. Forest School principles
  5. Forest School staff
  6. Forest School site
  7. Forest School Code of Conduct
  8. A typical Forest School session
  9. Equipment for Forest School
  10. Using and storing tools
  11. Fire Policy
  12. Risk/benefit Assessments
  13. Health and Safety
  14. Child Protection

15. Safeguarding

16. Emergency Action Plan

17. First Aid

18. Equality and Diversity

19. Behaviour Management Plan

20.Toileting and hygiene

21. Extreme weather procedures

22. Letters to Parents/Carers

23. Communication

24. Confidentiality

25. Forest School Site Survey

26. Insurance

27. Certificates

28. Appendices

Declaration of Review:

This Forest School Handbook has been written by Tracey Couldridge. All contents are accurate to the date: 07/09/2022.
This Forest School Handbook will be reviewed by Tracey Couldridge on 07/09/2023. Any changes that will need to be made will be done on this date.

Handbook Declaration:

All Kea Preschool staff and the Preschool Manager will need to read this handbook and sign to acknowledge their understanding of the contents, Policies and Procedures.

Accompanying staff must understand their role in supporting the Forest School Leader and the children that participate.

Role Checklist:

  • To follow all Policies and Procedures as stated in Handbook
  • To ensure safety of all participants is maintained at all times
  • To be involved in all activities and support and encourage the children
  • To follow instructions from Forest School Leader
  • To be First Aid trained
  • To have had an enhanced DBS check
  • To have Safeguarding training
  • To have Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate
  • To wear correct PPE at all times
  • To support Forest School Leader in planning sessions and observing the children
  • To support Forest School Leader in setting up and tidying away for each Forest School session
  • To have fun!!!

Manager: Tracey Kemp

Staff: Denise Penna, Melissa Thomas, Kelly Connaughton, Lisa Menear, Stephia Lake, Shauna Lefaye, Amanda Clinton

Forest School Ethos

Kind and caring to all living things
Exploring the outdoors
Adventurers in the making
Promoting independence
Exciting experiences
Stimulating learning environment
Confident and inquisitive learners
Helping one and other
Outdoor learning
Opportunities to use all of our senses
Learning through nature
Future custodians of our environment
Observing the world around us
Enabling environment
Sharing and taking turns
The process, rather than the end result
Connecting with nature
Holistic development
Opportunities for mental well-being
Outdoor experiences are limitless
Learning new skills

Outdoor Learning Principles set out by the Forest School Association:
The Six Forest School Principles:

Principle 1: Forest school is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaption, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.

Principle 2: Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural wooded environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.

Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.

Principle 4: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.

Principle 5: Forest School is run by qualified Forest School practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their practice.

Principle 6: Forest School uses a range of learner-centered processes to create a community for development and learning.

Kea Preschool Site:

Our Outdoor Learning site is set within the grounds of Kea Community Primary School and is not accessible to the public. The site consists of the school field, orchard, fenced off pond and upper field. This is maintained and managed by Kea School through private contractors. The outdoor learning is base in the outdoor classroom at Kea Preschool, which is also on the grounds of Kea School.

Locations of Forest School site:

Kea Community Primary School, Old Coach Road, Truro, TR3 6AY

01872 272265 secretary@kea.cornwall.sch.uk

Grid References for all areas used:

  • Orchard and pond: SW 81810 42606 Easting 181810 Northing 042606 (What3Words – workbench, clubbing, dare)
  • Upper School Field: SW 81847 42488 Easting 181847 Northing 042488 (What3Words – pave, glove, elephant)
  • School Field: SW 81856 42553 Easting 181856 Northing 042553 (What3Words – melons, compelled, vaccines)

Site Access:

Access to the main school field is through a gate from Kea Preschool. (This is the access point we will be using for Forest School) You can also enter the school field through a pathway with a gate from the school car park.

Kea Preschool (Forest School base in the Outdoor Classroom)

St Kea, Truro, TR3 6AY

01872 260299 info@keapreschool.co.uk

Grid reference: SW 81819 42483 Easting 181819 Northing 042483 (What3Words – described, promoting, witty)

Site Access:

Access is gained from the roadside. Parking is along the roadside, there is currently no footpath. Next to the roadside is a locked gate with intercom settings to be buzzed open by a preschool staff member. There is a ramp and separate steps leading down to the Preschool.

Code of Conduct::

During outdoor learning sessions, we will follow some simple rules that will keep us safe in the environment around us.

These are:

  • We are kind and caring to each other and all living things.
  • No running in outdoor classroom.
  • We don’t put anything in our mouth.
  • We drag sticks behind us.
  • Whistle: 1 whistle sound – stop and freeze. 2 whistle sounds – come back to Forest School Leader.
  • We have lots of fun!!!!

We have kept rules age appropriate for Preschool aged children and there will be other rules implemented for activities e.g. lighting fires and using tools that the children will also learn.

A typical outdoor learning session session:

As the children attending will already be at Kea Preschool they will get changed into their waterproofs, welly boots and High-Vis vest at Preschool.

Staff will have already done a site check and prepared any equipment for the activities for the session beforehand.

staff will lead the children from the Preschool into the outdoor classroom (the main base).

Staff will carry the emergency bag with them at all times.

We will always start the session in the main base and go through the rules and talk about the activities for the session.

Regular head counts will be performed throughout each session.

We will end each session in the main base with an opportunity to discuss the session and reflect and also talk about ideas for future sessions. This encourages the children to be actively involved in their learning and voices their interests.

The children will then be taken back to Preschool to get changed.

Staff will tidy up equipment after the session has ended, the children will also be encouraged to tidy up and remove any rubbish.

Staff will hold a debriefing session to see what went well, what could be done to extend the children’s learning and interests and what could be done differently etc.

Staff will then write up observations and reflections and plan for the next session.


Outdoor learning requires a variety of equipment depending on the weather, the season and activities being undertaken.

Essential items that maybe required each session (to be taken in the preschool’s trolley):

  • Spare clothes (season dependent, for both adult and child)
  • Wet wipes
  • Tarpaulin and pegs
  • String and rope
  • Bottle of water
  • Plastic cups and plates
  • Snack needed for the session
  • Sitting mats
  • Blankets
  • Paper and pencils
  • Simple craft materials
  • Scissors
  • Storm Kettle
  • Fire striker and tinder
  • Fire blanket
  • Burns kit
  • Survival blanket
  • Bin bags
  • Tissues
  • Torch

Staff will always carry an Emergency Bag with them, which will include:

  • First Aid Kit
  • Emergency mobile phone with emergency contact numbers.
  • Register to include staff and children.
  • Whistle
  • Any medication required e.gEpipen, asthma inhalers.
  • List of any participants with medical conditions, allergies or dietary requirements.
  • Emergency Action Plan (waterproof copy)
  • Risk Assessments (waterproof copy)
  • Bottle of water
  • Hand sanitser
  • Wet wipes
  • Disposable gloves
  • Knife
  • Safety gloves
  • Suncream (season dependent)

A First Aid kit will always be carried in the Emergency Bag, there are also First Aid kits held at Kea Preschool and Kea School. The First Aid kit kept in Emergency bag will include:

  • Guidance booklet
  • Disposable gloves (latex free)
  • Bandages – various sizes
  • Dressings – various sizes
  • Plasters – various sizes
  • Burns gel
  • Burns dressings
  • Sterile water
  • Eye wash
  • Scissors
  • Antiseptic wipes

Equipment needed for activities and crafts:

  • Wool, string
  • Clay – boards and tools
  • Paint brushes and pots
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Pencils, pens and crayons
  • Masking tape
  • Sewing kit

Tools equipment list:

  • Lockable box for tools
  • Safety gloves – adult and child sizes
  • Vegetable peeler x 1
  • Bow saw x 1
  • Palm drill x 1
  • Secateurs x 1
  • Loppers x 1
  • Knife x 1
  • Junior hacksaw x 1
  • Billhook x 1
  • Tent pegs x 10
  • Rope – various lengths and types

Fire equipment list:

  • Fire blanket
  • Burns kit
  • Heat resistant glove
  • Bucket of water
  • Fire striker – matches and fire steel
  • Tinder
  • Kindling
  • Logs

Kea Preschool Outdoor learning Clothing

When attending sessions, we need to keep warm, dry and comfy. This keeps us safe, enabling us to move easily and allows us to have lots of fun!!

The clothing required for outdoor learning varies depending on the season.

Autumn Winter Spring  Summer
  • Base layers – thermals, vest.
  • Mid layer – long sleeved top and full-length trousers.
  • Insulation layer -jumper.
  • Warm socks and spare pair.
  • Wooly hat and gloves.
  • Outer layer -waterproofs – all in ones or jacket and trousers.
  • Welly boots.
  • Long hair tied up.
  • Water bottle.
  • Spare Clothes.
  • Base layers – thermals, vest.
  • Mid layer – long sleeved top and warm full-length trousers.
  • Insulation layer -jumper/fleece/coat.
  • Warm socks and spare pair.
  • Welly boots.
  • Outer layer – waterproofs – all in ones or jacket and trousers.
  • Wooly hat and gloves.
  • Long hair tied up.
  • Water bottle.
  • Spare Clothes.
  • Base layers – thermals, vest.
  • Mid layer – long sleeved top and
  • full length trousers.
  • Insulation layer -jumper/fleece.
  • Warm socks and spare pair.
  • Wooly hat and gloves (it can still be a little chilly first thing.)
  • Outer layer – waterproofs – all in ones or jacket and trousers.
  • Welly boots
  • Long hair tied up.
  • Water bottle.
  • Spare Clothes.
  • Mid layer – full length light weight trousers and long-sleeved light weight top.
  • Socks and spare pair.
  • Welly boots.
  • Sun hat.
  • Sun cream.
  • Long hair tied up.
  • Water bottle.
  • Outer layer waterproofs – all in ones or jacket and trousers.
  • Spare Clothes.


It is extremely important that all children attend the sessions with the correct clothing.

We recommend layering clothes as this means that top layers can be taken on and off easily. This enables us to hold a comfortable body temperature when outside as air is trapped between each layer.

Base layer: This is the layer closest to the skin which absorbs moisture away from the skin. This can be a close-fitting t-shirt or vest. Tights or leggings if very cold. They do not have to be specialist thermal clothing.

Mid layer: This layer provides warmth through trapped air in the layers. In the warmer months it can be a long-sleeved top and the colder months fleece/jumper and trousers.

Insulation layer: The extra warmth layer. A coat, thick fleece, jumper or hoodie. Warm trousers.

Outer layer: This layer keeps us dry. Waterproofs, either an all in one or jacket and trousers.

Hats and gloves/mittens: We can help to maintain our body temperature if we keep our hands and head warm and dry.

Sun cream and sun hat: We spend a lot of time outside and even though it is in mainly shaded areas sun protection is essential.

Water bottle: The children will be doing lots of physical activities so staying hydrated is important.

Spare clothes: sessions can get very wet and muddy so a change of clothes to change into ensures the children will be warm and dry for the rest of the day.

All staff must adhere to the same PPE as above but to also wear appropriate footwear such as walking boots/steel toe cap boots if using tools and welly boots.

Using and storing tools:

At Kea Preschool all children with have the opportunity to use tools, whether it be craft activities or for fire wood. To ensure everyone is kept safe we have a Tool Handling Policy which must be adhered to at all times.

Tool Handling Policy

General tool use:

  • All tools to be counted out and back at the beginning and end of each session.
  • Tools to be kept in a good, clean order.
  • Tools to be checked before each session to ensure they are safe to use.
  • Damaged tools must not be used, this includes damaged blades, handles or loose fixings.
  • Tool maintenance (cleaning and oiling) must be carried out at least once a week.
  • Tools must be stored in a locked safe box, in the sheds next to Preschool.
  • Tools must be used in a safe area under the supervision of the Forest School Leader.
  • A tool safety circle must be in place when a tool is being used.
  • Ensure correct PPE is worn at all times.
  • Correct ratio and supervision at all times.

Individual tool guidelines:

Potato Peelers: (used for whittling or peeling bark)

  • Children must be either kneeling or sitting with both legs together.
  • Tool safety circle around the child, this is 2 arms and a tools length distance, away from others.
  • Only wear a glove on the hand holding the wood.
  • Hold the wood away from the body, can rest on the ground if easier.
  • Use the potato peeler away from the body, peeling away from the body also.
  • Correct PPE used.

Sheath Knife: (used for whittling, peeling bark, cutting string/rope)

  • Children must be either kneeling or sitting with both legs together.
  • Tool safety circle around the child, this is 2 arms and a tools length distance, away from others.
  • Only wear a glove on the hand holding the wood.
  • Hold the wood away from the body, can rest on the ground if easier.
  • Use the knife away from the body, and cut away from the body also.
  • Correct PPE used.

Bow Saw: (used for sawing larger lengths of wood/logs)

  • Ideally used on a saw horse.
  • 2 children can use tool together, 1 on either end with a pulling, pushing technique.
  • Only wear a glove on the non-sawing hand.
  • Keep non-sawing hand away from blade when sawing.
  • Tool safety circle around the child, this is 2 arms and a tools length distance, away from others.
  • Saw must be put down safely before picking up wood.
  • Blade to be covered when not in use.
  • If transporting, carry saw with frame at your side, blade facing down, as if carrying a handbag.
  • Correct PPE used.

Billhooks: (used for cleaving, splitting)

  • Only wear a glove on the hand holding the wood.
  • Tool safety circle around the child, this is 2 arms and a tools length distance, away from others.
  • Cover must be replaced when not in use.
  • One person holds the billhook firmly in 1 hand, blade placed at the top of the log, 2nd person uses a mallet or another log to hit down on the top of the billhook. (If capable can be 1 person).
  • Correct PPE used.

Please see Risk Assessments.

Fire Policy:

The purpose of having a fire is not for just cooking on. It brings us all together in a social aspect of sitting around the fire but also as working together to build and light the fire. The fire keeps us warm; we can cook food on it and make hot drinks. It also has a calming presence which is good for all of our mental well-being.

It is always the leader (nominated staff member with training) responsibility to light and extinguish the fire in a safe manner. The fire should never be left unattended and and staff should always ensure there are sufficient ratios.

All participants to be informed of Fire Safety Rules and assistants to have read Risk Assessments.

Fire Safety Rules:

  • Always enter the fire circle through the ‘in’ entrance and only when adults tells you to.
  • Walk around the fire circle in an anti-clockwise direction.
  • Sit on the logs around the edges of the fire circle.
  • Remain seated in fire circle.
  • Only approach fire when adults tells you to.
  • Kneel when next to fire.
  • Exit fire circle through the ‘out’ exit.
  • In an emergency use the ‘emergency exit’ if it is your closest exit.

Risk/benefit Assessments:

Before each session starts, the staff will undertake a general Risk Assessment of the site. (Please see appendice 1 for Risk Assessment).

We also have individual Risk Assessments for tools and certain activities such as lighting fires, collecting natural materials.

We feel that sessions are the perfect opportunity for children to learn how to manage their own risks. Through activities they are able to take risks, which enables them to develop independence and resilience, boost their self-esteem and confidence, build on their social, emotional and physical development.

Health and Safety:

We follow Kea Preschools Health and Safety Policy (see appendices 2)


All Forest School session will be lead by staff who have attended outdoor learning training, accompanied by Kea Preschool staff members. The sessions will be run on a ratio of 1:4 with the exception of certain activities such as using tools, building and lighting fires the ratio will be 1:2 or 1:1.

All staff will have read the outdoor learning Handbook, risk assessments, fire policy, tool policy and emergency action plan.

All staff will be briefed before each session so all roles and responsibilities are understood.

Food and drink:

We follow Kea Preschools Food and Hygiene Policy (see appendices 2.1)

All staff have either a Level 2/3 Food Hygiene certificate. All children will be offered snack during the session. This will have been prepared beforehand at Preschool, unless the activity that session is cooking outdoors. Children and staff will use hand sanitizer before having snack (there is a sink in the main base). All food allergies, intolerances and dietary requirements will be adhered to. All rubbish will be taken back to Preschool with us. The children are taught the ‘leave no trace’ method and what the rubbish could do to the environment, animals, plants and their habitats. Children and staff will bring their own water bottles with them.

Behaviour Management Plan:

We will follow Kea Preschools Behaviour Policy (see appendice 3).

The children will be taught our Rules for outdoors:

  • We are kind and caring to each other and all living things.
  • No running in outdoor classroom.
  • We don’t put anything in our mouth.
  • We drag sticks behind us.
  • Forest School Whistle: 1 whistle sound – stop and freeze. 2 whistle sounds – come back to Forest School Leader.
  • We have lots of fun!!!!

All staff will model expected behaviour at all times.

If children exhibit unsafe behaviours staff will talk to them in a positive and encouraging way.

Staff will teach children how to look after the plants and animals and to not pick anything unless told to do so.

An activity such as using tools or lighting fires maybe stopped if a child/children exhibit consistent unsafe behaviours.

Equality and Diversity:

We follow Kea Preschools Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion and equality policy (see appendice 4).

All children regardless of ability, race, sex, age and background are encouraged to participate in sessions and activities. Through observations and reflection the staff will be able to plan each session to enables all children’s needs, interests and abilities are met.

Letters of Consent:

All parents/carers will have received and filled out consent forms to confirm consent that they agree to their child attending our outdoor learning sessions and that they also agree to photos being taken of their child. As all attendees already attend Kea Preschool, the Preschool have registration forms for each child also.

Parents/carers will also have received and filled out medical consent forms. These forms ask parents/carers to state any medical needs, medication taken on a regular basis, allergies, food intolerances and any dietary requirements their child may have. This form also asks for consent to emergency first aid being administered if required and asks for 2 emergency contact and phone numbers for their child.

A child can only attend the sessions if we have received the above 2 forms.


We will communicate any relevant information to parents/carers via email or on the online learning portal Tapestry. In an emergency parents/carers will be called on the numbers they have provided. Advertisements for our sessions will be posted on Facebook, Kea Preschools newsletter and website and Kea Schools newsletter.

Communication between staff will be done verbally in person, text message or via the staff Whatsapp group.

All communication with Kea School is either by phone, email or in person.

Child Protection:

We follow Kea Preschools Children’s Rights and Entitlements Policy (see appendice 5).

Enhanced DBS checks are carried out on all staff, Kea Preschool maintain a record of these checks, including a date for renewal. We follow Kea Preschools Employment Policy (see appendices) for safer recruitment.


We follow Kea Preschools Safeguarding Policy (see appendice 6).

Our sessions will be lead by Preschool staff with either Level 2/Level 3 Childcare qualifications.

All staff have undertaken enhanced DBS checks, gone through the safer recruitment process and undergone relevant Safeguarding training.

There will also be a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Kea Preschool at the sessions.

Any disclosures will be reported to the DSL following Kea Preschools Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

Emergency Action Plan:

In certain instances, it may be necessary to evacuate the site e.g., escaped animal, adverse weather conditions, fire, injury, danger to life. Staff will always assess the situation and if necessary, evacuate to the Outdoor Classroom if on the school site or at the nominated Meeting Point which is the grass area just outside of the Outdoor Classroom.

Evacuation Procedure if on the Kea School site:

  • Staff to assess the situation, use the whistle twice to call the group together.
  • Prioritize actions/injuries.
  • If there are no injuries, staff will call the register and do a headcount.
  • If safe to do so staff will lead safe evacuation via the school field to the Outdoor Classroom, once there,a nominated staff member willcall the register and do another headcount.
  • If access cannot be obtained this way staff will lead the group via Kea school grounds to the Outdoor Classroom, once there staff will call the register and do another headcount.
  • If there are injuries that require First Aid the nominated First Aider will apply emergency First Aid.
  • Help will be called if necessary: Emergency Services 999, Kea Preschool 01872 260299.
  • Nominated First Aider will assist the casualties, ensuring they are warm and comfortable.
  • Other staff to keep the rest of the group safe and if necessary, evacuate the area following the procedure above.

Evacuation procedure if in Outdoor Classroom:

  • Nominated staff member to assess the situation and use the whistle twice to call the group together.
  • Nominated staff member to prioritize actions/injuries.
  • If there are no injuries, Nominated staff member to call the register and do a headcount.
  • Nominated staff member will lead safe evacuation to the nominated Meeting Point which is just outside of the Outdoor Classroom, through the gate on to the top part of the field. Once there the Nominated staff member will call the register and do another head count.
  • If there are injuries that require First Aid the nominated First Aider will apply emergency First Aid.
  • Help will be called if necessary: Emergency Services 999, Kea Preschool 01872 260299
  • The nominated First Aider will assist the casualties, ensuring they are warm and comfortable.
  • Other staff to keep the rest of the group safe and if necessary, evacuate the area following the procedures above.

Nominated staff member to carry emergency bag at all times containing First Aid kit, mobile phone, emergency contact numbers, any medication required for both staff and children, list of site details, grid references and What3Words details.

Grid Reference’s for all areas used are:

  • Kea Preschool Outdoor Classroom: SW 81819 42483 Easting 181819 Northing 042483
  • Upper Kea School Field:SW 81847 42488 Easting 181847 Northing 042488
  • Kea School Field: SW 81856 42553 Easting 181856 Northing 042553
  • Kea School Orchard:SW 81810 42606 Easting 181810 Northing 042606

What3Words for all areas used are:

  • Kea Preschool Outdoor Classroom: described, promoting, whitty
  • Upper Kea School Field: pave, glove, elephant
  • Kea School Field: melons, compelled, vaccines

Kea School Orchard: workbench, clubbing, dare

Lost/Missing Child:

e follow Kea Preschools Missing child Policy (see appendice 7).

  • As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing the staff will use the whistle 2 times to call the group together.
  • A register and headcount are completed.
  • A nominated staff member will call management staff at Preschool.
  • Management will undertake a thorough search of the area.
  • The rest of the group to be taken back to Preschool.
  • All gates and boundaries checked to see if there has been a breach of security whereby a child could wander out.
  • If child is not found, the manager will call the Police (999) and report the child missing, if it suspected the child has been abducted this information will be relayed.
  • The parents/carers will be informed.
  • A recent photo and information of what the child is wearing and last known whereabouts is relayed to the Police.
  • Management contacts the Chair of Kea Preschools committee and reports the incident.
  • At no point is the Forest School Leader or staff to talk to the press.

All staff to be aware of Emergency Action Plan and Kea Preschool Policies and Procedures to be followed at all times.

First Aid:

All staff have current and relevant Paediatric First Aid training and all Kea Preschool staff helping in sessions also hold the same Paediatric First Aid training.

We follow Kea Preschools Policy and Procedures on First Aid (see appendice 8). All accidents that require First Aid are logged on an accident form that is then signed by the parent/carer. Any incidents are logged on an incident sheet that is then kept in each individual child’s file. Parents/carers are informed of all accidents/incidents. If there is a head injury/head bump we follow the First Aid policy which is to inform the parent/carer by phone.

In case of an emergency, the manager and staff and all staff are to follow the Emergency Action Plan.

Toileting and Hygiene:

We do not have any outside toilet facilities so all children are encouraged to go at preschool before leaving. As the school site is relatively close to preschool, if a child needs the toilet during the session they will be taken back to the preschool by a member of staff.

All preschool staff involved with the sessions that will be assisting the children with toileting have undertaken enhanced DBS checks and all relevant and up-to-date Safeguarding training.

At the base (the outdoor classroom) there is an outside basin and tap for hand washing and getting water. If we are in the base at snack time all participants will wash their hands there, this is the same for any cooking sessions as the Fire Pit is in the base. If we are on the Kea School site we will use wet wipes or hand sanitizer for cleaning our hands.

Extreme Weather:

Staff will check the weather forecast before each session and use their judgement whether to cancel the session if necessary. We endeavor that our sessions will go ahead in all weathers unless:

There is thunder and lightening

There are strong and gale force winds which could cause trees to fall down, loose branches could fall from trees, falling debris or any debris flying around

Extreme temperatures

If we do have to cancel the session due to extreme weather the manager will inform parents/carers via email and on Kea Preschools online learning portal Tapestry.


We follow Kea Preschools Confidentiality Policy (see appendice 9) for all records and information kept in regards of children, staff, families and visitors.

Site Survey:

General site information:

Name of site Kea Preschool Kea Community Primary School
Location Kea Preschool, St Kea, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 6AY Kea Community Primary School, Old Coach Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 6AY
Grid reference SW 81811 42484

Easting 181811 

Northing 042484

SW 81773 42534

Easting 181773

Northing 042534

Phone number 01872 260299 01872 272265
Email info@keapreschool.co.uk secretary@kea.cornwall.sch.uk
Website www.keapreschool.co.uk www.keaschool.org.uk
Stakeholders Cornwall Council

Preschool Management Committee

Cornwall Council

School Governing Body

Managed by Preschool Management Committee Mitie FM Limited for Cornwall Council

We use Kea Preschools Outdoor Classroom as our main base and we use Kea Community Primary Schools top field, field and orchard.

Woodland Description: Kea Preschool Kea Community Primary School
Flora: trees Kea Plum trees, Camelia Apple, Holly, Oak, beech, birch
Flora: plants Nettles, dandelions, grass Nettles, brambles, bracken
Flora: Fungi Rosy Brittlegill AgaricusSemotus
Flora: Mosses None found None found
Fauna: Birds Robin, wood pigeon,  Robin, 
Fauna: Mammals Squirrel, mouse, rat Squirrel, rabbit, fox, 
Fauna: Insects Woodlice, centipedes, millipedes, wasps, bees, butterflies Woodlice, centipedes, millipedes, wasps, bees, butterflies, beetles

Abiotic elements: Kea Preschool Kea Community Primary School
Water None Small enclosed pond in Orchard
Soil Site has a pegged membrane on it and covered in play bark Mineral
Bedrock/surface rock None present None present
Kea Preschool Kea Community Primary school


None None
Kea Preschool Kea community Primary School
History of site The preschool building was originally built in the 1940s Kea Schools canteen, the preschool took over the building in 2001.  Kea School was originally built in 1879 as a Board School. 
Kea Preschool Kea Community Primary School
Long term vision
  • To hold sessions every day.
  • To plant vegetables in the planters.
  • To run an outdoor learning Holiday Club.
  • To collaborate with the school to run a full time outdoor learning sessions.
  • To use funds raised from Tesco to start own Forest School.
  • To run after school sessions
  • To collaborate with the preschool to run a full time sessions.


Kea Preschool has their own insurance policy with the Pre School-Learning Alliance that covers all aspects of Forest School and the 6 initial sessions.