Kea Preschool Wraparound Prospectus

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If you would like to find out more about Kea Preschool, please contact us. Tel (01872) 260299

Safeguarding Children

Our setting has a duty to safeguard all children. We work closely with children and their parents. We offer support, including referral to appropriate agencies when necessary, to help families.
Great care is taken to ensure all children are safe at all times. Child Protection Policies are adhered to and followed.
All information related to children and families is confidential.
All staff are DBS checked and hold relevent qualifications.

During Breakfast club, we plan and provide some play activities for the children to access, should they choose. Children know where resources and equipment are stored, and will access these themselves.
Breakfast is served from 7.45am-8.20am and this includes, cereals, toast and fruit.

During Afterschool Club, we use the outdoor spaces as much as possible and there are dedicated resources for wraparound children. Children are free to decide if they want to be inside or outside. At times, we may venture into our outdoor classroom or further afield onto the school tennis courts, field or the adventure playground.
Staff collect children from school at the end of the day and walk over to the preschool. Children are served a healthy afternoon snack during afterschool club.

Our Sessions
breakfast club – 7.45am – 9.00am
afterschool club – 3.30pm – 6.00pm
breakfast club
2 years £8.00
3 years + (inc school children) £7.25
afterschool club
2 years £16.00
3 years + (inc school children) £14.50

Afterschool Club ‘Early’ (collect by 4pm) £5.00

Our Setting aims and values are as follows:

  • Promotion of emotional wellbeing; development of self-esteem, confidence, security and independence
  • A preparation for life; learning about taking risks, communication, tolerance, cooperation, aspiration for achievement
  • Fostering a love of learning for all; the development of awe and wonder, excitement, enthusiasm, and essential skills
  • A social responsibility for all; developing social skills and relationships, respect, communication, accountability, acceptance and empathy
  • A quality environment which is calm, secure, stable, safe, healthy and inclusive
  • Aspiration for excellence; clear and high expectations, a quality environment and respect for all.